About Kate
I’ve always had a passion for words since I was a child. It led me to do a BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature at the University of Liverpool and into a career as an advertising copywriter and, later, public relations writer. In 2021, I completed an MA in Writing for Young People at Bath Spa University.
I’ve worked for 30 years (and still do) as a commercial writer for some of the largest organisations in the UK, including the NHS and Department of Education. I love it. How wonderful to have a job that involves writing about things that matter to me… health, education, wellbeing, kids to name a few. I’m also a journalist and qualified clinical hypnotherapist so I understand about hypnotic language and rhetoric.
My second greatest love after writing is clothes. As well as having my own distinctive style (and a cupboard-busting collection of garments – what do you mean I don’t need six red dresses?), I’m an advocate for self-expression. My TEDx talk, What Toddlers Teach Us About Style, urges tolerance, acceptance and the freedom to dress however we choose. I was also invited to speak at the first ever festival of body confidence.
I live in Devon with my teenage daughter, Beth – affectionately known as Oik – my two adorable grey cats and an assortment of tropical fish who periodically like to eat each other.

5 random facts about me:
- I once spent a day in the dissection lab at King’s College London staring into the eyes of dissected human heads. Weirdest day ever. Saved a fortune on lunch
- I stayed all by myself in a large, spooky 16th century manor house complete with moat and prison cell. Move over Yvette Fielding.
- Top embarrassing moment? Vomiting onto a client’s shoes in a meeting.
- My tongue is so long I can touch the tip of my nose with it.
- Pet hates… aubergines, air freshener and arrogant people.
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